Other spots to farm when no favor.
Hey everyone!
I have recently have been heavily farming the UW whenever i can. I try at least to get in 1 run a day so i can keep up my bankroll for that darn expensive 15k armor.
I usually farm the UW with my w/rt running the VWK build. I have also tried my 55 necro but failed miserably so i went with my favorite character(war) and did it that way.
But now with the new favor system i seem to never have favor. I have beaten prophecies with my warrior and have come close with my necromancer so i have all of the HM spots on my warrior and most on my necromancer.
I would like to know via PM or post were do you farm without favor?
Now i know your saying "why the hell should i tell you it might get nerfed!"
I would be very much so obliged if you would share your knowledge along.
Its pretty much for the best. =]. Thank you if you are willing to share your spots and i understand if you do not want to share. =] Thank you all in advance.